

Tech Demoreel

This is my demoreel from the year 2023/2024 made during free time.

See more details bellow

Sections :

Procedural generation

Procedural generation is a must to get. Build easely with a lot of iteration and save time.

Procedural Textures

Substance designer is excellent when it comes to create new texture or tools.


Shading bring life to your asset, so it needs to meet your expectation.


Limitation brings innovation

Other Tools for artist

Help artist to get rid of annoying task 


Ensure the best result.

Procedural generation

Procedural Cable

This is a cable tool made inside of houdini using vellum simulation. This is tool can use any trimsheet and unwrap uv to fit it. 

Once inside of Unreal engine under a HDA format, you can run it with any parameter you want and use custom collision to fit your world. And place it with a simple spline.

Procedural Fence

This is a fence tool made inside of houdini. It uses a modular fence asset as a base wich can be change any time. It generate along a spline its own corners according to the base fence.

Procedural textures

Substance Designer



There is a clouds system that inlude weather system and storm wtih the use of flowmap 

Vertex Paint

This vertex paint material allows the artist to paint within 4 channels.


World selector for HISM

During the optimzation of Hellvest project, i have encountered an issue wich push me to produce a tool inside of unreal using a Blueprint Utility Widget. 

With this one, i can select a  static mesh inside of the scene and select all same static mesh with some parameter for exemple with an uniform scale of 1.

And then covert them to an hierachical instancied static mesh actor.

Other tools for artist

PBR Checker

This filter for substance painter was made inside of Substance designer. Following the PBR chart for unreal it shows if the textures are too bright or too dark considering if this is metal or not by a simple color code.

The artist just need to drag and drop it on top of his layer and he can check if every is alright. 


Contact ME

Have any questions? I’m always open to talk about tech, VFX, professional projects and how i can help you.